The discovery of soap dates back to many centuries ago and it is easy to see that it was also used to wash hair, as well as the body. With the flowering of civilization we have learned to dissolve that soap in water and add fragrant substances such as aromatic herbs, floral extracts and natural oils in order to make the hair shiny and fragrant, as well as clean.
With the advent of industry in the past century, we have seen the first generation of shampoos appear on the shelves of small stores before, and then in huge shopping centers, a vast assortment of products that massively replicate the same basic concept of the first shampoos of our human age, loose soap and perfuming substances.
For the past ten years, thanks to social media and the sharing of information and experiences, hair washing has turned into a routine whose base is the care of the hair, in our case in particular the curly one.
A care that must necessarily pass through the washing, you can't expect to have soft and hydrated hair by washing them with a soap for cloths that maybe contains caustic soda, a very effective ingredient but also very aggressive.
From the experience shared over the years, some producers decide to listen to the "wisdom" of the Curly people and from this moment comes to life what could be called the second generation of shampoos. A new generation of products with a slightly different formulation, designed in our case for the Curly Method.
But what are these different formulations? What really changes?
Let's talk first about sulfates. This category of sulfur-based compounds that are widely used in most shampoos is completely excluded from the shampoo ingredients suitable for the method.
Why are they excluded? They are not used because they are very effective but very aggressive surfactants, to the point that there are ingredients such as cocamidyol betaine, whose only function is to decrease the aggressiveness of sulphates present in a shampoo. Moreover they are connected to the phenomenon of acid rain and avoiding them certainly does not hurt the planet! The first reason however remains to be delicate with your own hair.
So in a shampoo suitable for the method like this we will not find sulfates but not even silicones or mineral oils, two other categories of ingredients that do not help the curly hair to express all its natural beauty. Both classes of ingredients are commonly found in many large retail shampoos. Their long-term use weighs down the hair, does not enhance the curl as well as not being easily washable except with sulphates, so the cycle is repeated endlessly and the hair never manages to regain its natural splendor.
The shampoos approved for the Curly method contain surfactants of multiple origins and are accumulated by being delicate surfactants, which respect hair and scalp.
To be more specific, most of the surfactants used in the products suitable for the method are usually cationic, amphoteric or non-ionic, all of which are actually less efficient in washing but certainly more delicate than the anionic counterpart.
Why are they less effective? Certainly because in the regular hair washing you do not always need a strong shampoo if the hair is not very dirty, as much as a product that gently washes and procures, through massaging and other secondary ingredients, well-being for the hair and scalp .
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